Sunday, June 15, 2008

Not so happening....


how creative we are in this city!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mullet over


Some one is UBER excited about the chance that Bon Jovi may be playing for free in NYC this summer.

Cupcake Greenhouse


It was a rainy Friday on the train, some where near 42nd Street and W 4th. She has (in her lap) a cupcake under a see through plastic cup. She was not amused at me snapping this. Oh well.

friend of Dorothy?


The tin man lives in Bensonhurst. Who knew??
He had a gigantic man purse and kept bumping in to me.

Coffee Talk


They say that after a while people and their pets begin to look alike. Let's hope this is NOT the case for all animals involved. This woman was shopping for (dinner or) a puppy at the puppy mill near my house.